Connection to Quality Center - vbscript/QTP
Using OTA Framework , we can connect to Quality Center in two ways . 1. Utilising TDApiOle80 library - using vb script alone 2. Connect to quality center from QTP. Function Connect_QC() dim username dim pwd TDConnection.InitConnectionEx( "http://qualitycenter.8080/qcbin" ) TDConnection.LoginEx username,pwd TDConnection.Connect "Domain" , "Project" ' MsgBox "connected" If TDConnection.LoggedIN = "True" Then msgbox "logged into QC successfully" Else msgbox "Please enter valid credentials" End If End Function ======================================================================= Function Connect_QC() Set GLOBAL_QC_CONNECTION=Nothing Set GLOBAL_QC_CONNECTION = QCUtil.QCConnection if QCUtil.IsConnected then Set GLOBAL_QC_TESTSET_TREEMANAGER= GLOBAL_QC_CONN...