
Showing posts from February, 2014

Connection to Quality Center - vbscript/QTP

Using OTA Framework , we can connect to Quality Center in two ways . 1. Utilising  TDApiOle80 library -  using vb script alone 2. Connect to   quality center from QTP.   Function Connect_QC()       dim  username          dim  pwd         TDConnection.InitConnectionEx( "http://qualitycenter.8080/qcbin" )         TDConnection.LoginEx username,pwd         TDConnection.Connect  "Domain" , "Project"          '       MsgBox "connected"                         If  TDConnection.LoggedIN =  "True"   Then                   msgbox   "logged into QC successfully"         Else          msgbox   "Please enter valid credentials"          End   If   End Function ======================================================================= Function Connect_QC() Set GLOBAL_QC_CONNECTION=Nothing Set GLOBAL_QC_CONNECTION = QCUtil.QCConnection if QCUtil.IsConnected then Set GLOBAL_QC_TESTSET_TREEMANAGER= GLOBAL_QC_CONN...

Selenium with Junit-Part 1

JUnit is a Unit Testing framework in Java. Combination with Selenium helps in building a framework for your tests. Below is an example of Selenium Test + JUnit  with the usage of  frequently used annotations. @Before Class - Usage of  this annotation makes a method call,  Before the Class (Java) starts execution. Ex: Launching Application under Test. @After Class - Usage of  this annotation makes a method call, After the Class (Java) completes execution. Ex: Closing the Application under Test. @BeforeMethod - Usage of  this annotation makes a method call , Before every Method  in the Class starts execution. @AfterMethod - Usage of  this annotation makes a method call, After every Method in the Class completes execution. @Test - Usage of  this annotation represents the Test to be executed . @BeforeTest - Usage of  this annotation makes a method call, Before every Test in the Class . @AfterTest - Usage of  t...