
In this blogpost, I wanted to talk about a non-technical topic , which is applicable in day to day life and also helps building your career. I have read few books , blogs and watched you-tube videos on "how to be successful" or stuff like that. Every one constantly persist of being successful in their life or getting their dream job . But, the fact is that apart from having the desire to succeed in life . One needs to plan and implement small steps towards their goal.
So, the emphasis should be on "Action". I have experienced a phase in my life when i feel like I haven't acted enough to attain my goal and one day when you talk to yourself , you feel like "What have i achieved over past 12 months?" - "What steps did i take to move towards my goal" .
Getting out of such fear or frustration is tough. One of the best ways is to deal with it by making habits.
Now that , you already know what a habit is ..i will share my methods to stick to habits.
This is not really a magical solution from me.
Few Methods i follow to stick habits are

1. Being Adamant :) - this is a top solution
2. If  you comprise on the 1st solution on a Monday, just make sure  that will be last compromise on a Monday of that month.

I have been following habits like
1. Doing Coding exercise/s daily.
2. Jogging twice a week.
3. Memorizing about technical stuff that i have learnt the before day.

I am feeling the difference :)


  1. Small steps is a method that works for me too. Retrospection also works wonders. I read this blog regularly and its something you should check out too.


  2. Thanks brother :) ..will check it.


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