Python in Eclipse

Let us see how to set up Python in Eclipse IDE.

  •  Eclipse IDE 
  • Python installed in your machine if not check this link.

 PyDev is a Python Development Environment (Python IDE plugin for Eclipse). Install PyDev via the Eclipse update manager .

Launch Eclipse.Go to Help->Install New Software

Click on Add. Enter any repository name and  the location as the link which mentioned above.

Once you Add this. You will the repository added in the list of available software . Select the First check box “Py Dev” .

Once this is done.
Configure  Eclipse the location of your Python installation.
Go to  Window → Preference →Pydev → Interpreters ->Python Interpreter menu.

Click New.Enter Interpreter name and the Executable which is the location of the python.

You are good to start coding in Python using Eclipse IDE. In the future posts, we will see how to program in python in eclipse.


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